Sales Tax Increase – Public Meeting

January 2016
By Kayla
Posted: Updated:
February 22, 2016 @ 6:45 pm – 7:00 pm
Case-Halstead Public LIbrary
550 6th St
Carlyle, IL 62231
JoAnn Hollenkamp

The City of Carlyle will be asking our citizens on March 15, 2016 to vote “yes” on an increase to the sales tax rate from 6.25% to 6.75%. The additional revenue will be used to help pay for infrastructure repairs that have long been neglected.

Below are several informational documents that will help explain the specific infrastructure projects, the cost of the increase (2 cents for every 4 dollars spent), and the projected revenue from the increase. We feel that the sales tax rate increase is the best way to raise the additional revenue and has the least impact on our citizens due to the money spent by the additional 1.5 million visitors to Carlyle each year.

For further information please plan to attend the public meetings at the Case-Halstead Public Library on January 25th and February 22nd at 6:45 pm or contact JoAnn Hollenkamp at City Hall

Proposed Probable Construction Costs

Carlyle Sales Tax Rates

Non-Home Rule Sales Tax FAQ

NHR Sales Tax Revenue Projections