The Electric Department is located at:
501 1st Street
Carlyle, IL 62231
Office Number: 618.594.5215
Fax Number: 618.594.5208
Electric Foreman:
Kevin Rolfingsmeyer
Carlyle Electric Department
Since October 14, 1901, Carlyle has owned and operated its own electrical power plant and distribution system, providing cost-effective and reliable service to all of its customers. As a member of the American Public Power Association (APPA), Carlyle Municipal Electric strives to provide superior, reliable, not-for-profit electricity at a reasonable price while also observing proper environmental protections.
Carlyle has been a partner since 1984 with 39 other Illinois municipalities in the Illinois Municipal Electric Agency (IMEA) to buy power for its residents. In addition, Carlyle has invested in one Worthington, one Fairbanks, and three EMD engines with an installed total capacity of 14,500KW. Carlyle Electric’s engines are fired up either when asked by IMEA or when the power they supply is interrupted. The City of Carlyle receives capacity credits because of the investment the City has made in these engines. The credits are passed back to Carlyle’s residents and businesses, which cuts the cost of power for all in Carlyle. Carlyle’s current long-term power supply contract with the IMEA extends to year 2035.
For high usage customers, the City of Carlyle offers other rate options which may be beneficial.
Current electricity rates for Carlyle residents are charged as follows:
Category / Monthly Facility Charge
Residential / $13.00
Commercial / $20.00
Electricity Charge / Month
$0.1215 per KW-HR
$0.1215 per KW-HR | First 10,000 KW-HRs &
$0.114 per KW-HR | Over 10,000 KW-HRs
Net Metering (Solar)
If a business or resident is interested in adding Solar Power to their property in the City of Carlyle, please fill out the following application and return to City Hall.
If you have any questions, please contact the Electric Foreman at 618.972.2333.
Information regarding net metering requirements can be found below:
Net Metering Policy Updated 2024
Facilities Interconnection Agreement
The City of Carlyle uses the recommended Fair Solar Credit value as a part of our net metering policy process to calculate the solar credits. The Fair Solar Credit is a recommended value from the Illinois Municipal Utilities Agency. This is for the excess electricity that is generated by those solar-generating residential or small commercial customers that qualify under our local net metering policy and is pushed back onto the grid rather than being consumed in the home or business. The value of the Fair Solar Credit moves with the market and changes yearly in April.
Current Fair Solar Credit for Carlyle solar residents are charged as follows:
Fair Solar Credit Value / Month
$-0.0545 per KW-HR
Power Outage
If you experience a power outage, please call the Electric Department at 594-5215 to report the outage. As much as we appreciate our residents notifying us of an outage, we ask that you refrain from coming to the Power Plant to report the outage. A phone call is the best way to notify us of what locations have been affected.
Energy Advisor Calculator
The City of Carlyle has partnered with Apogee Interactive to bring the citizens of Carlyle an Energy Resource Center. This site will allow customers to input their individual information to try and better understand where their energy dollars are going.
These free online tools are here to help you
find ways to save energy and money.
The Energy Advisor Calculator will provide you with estimates of energy use costs based on your inputs and will allow you to preform energy scenarios to pinpoint your opportunities for savings.
There are also Special Purpose Calculators to help determine where your energy costs are going and how you could possibly start saving money.
>Television Calculator >Appliance Calculator >Lighting Calculator
In addition to the calculators you will also be able to find Energy Reference Tools. These tools help explore energy information and tips for adults & kids.