Carlyle City Hall is located at:
1110 Mulliken Street
Carlyle, IL 62231
Office Number: 618.594.2468
Fax Number: 618.844.4468
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Office Supervisor:
Kayla Heimann
City Hall is the central hub for all of our City departments. City Hall is ran by the Mayor, City Administrator, Office Supervisor, and two Office Clerks. The Aldermen, City Clerk, City Treasurer, and City Attorney are always stopping by to check in, pick up their mail, and to attend meetings. Visit our City Officials page for more details.
It’s always busy up at City Hall with people stopping by. Whether its an employee, a resident, or a town visitor, we are here to help however we can.
Utility Bills
The City of Carlyle Utility Bills Include:
Electric, Water, Sewer, and are always due on the 5th of each month.
Trash & Recycling is billed directly by Waste Management.
Utility Bill Payments can be made at:
• Carlyle City Hall between the hours of 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. cash, check, money order, or credit card. We also have a drive-up drop box available for payments after hours.
• Online payments can be made on our website through PSN. Follow the link to our Online Payment Portal. Or by calling PSN at: 877.885.7968
• Payments can also be dropped off at some of our local Carlyle banks.
City of Carlyle Residents
We try and offer as many options and services to our customers as we can.
Below you will find the available services we provide our residents…
How to get City Utilities put into a Resident or Business Name:
• If a resident is purchasing a home they will need to fill out the Residential Service Application, provide us with two forms of ID, and pay the $30 connection fee.
• If a resident is renting they will need to fill out the Residential Service Application and provide us with two forms of ID, a copy of the lease/rental agreement, pay the $30 connection fee, and a $170 deposit. An Occupancy Inspection will have to be completed before a renter moves into a property. It is the landlords responsibility to have the inspection taken care of.
• If a business needs utilities in their name we ask that the owner fill out the Business Service Application and provide us with two forms of ID, and pay the $30 connection fee. We have a listing of Available Business Sites for anyone interested in opening or expanding a business in Carlyle.
Helpful ways to manage City Utility Bills
• For any City of Carlyle customer interested in setting up automatic payments we have the Electronic Payment Plan available. By signing up for this option your City Utility Bill will automatically come out of your bank account on the 5th of every month.
Please fill out the Electronic Payment Plan Application if interested and return it to City Hall.
• Residential customers interested in having a set amount utility payment has the option of our
Equal Payment Plan. Once a residential customer has a 12 month payment history at the same location they have the option of enrolling in this plan.
Please read the Equal Payment Plan Application for more details and if interested in participating fill out the form and return it to City Hall.
Emergency Services
CodeRED – Emergency Alert Service
• The City of Carlyle has partnered with CodeRED, an emergency alert service that works through the telephone system, to provide City-related emergency and important notifications to residents.
It will notify all participants of public health issues such as upcoming boil orders, electric outages, etc. and emergency situations such as tornado warnings, missing persons, and evacuations.
This service is being provided to residents FREE OF CHARGE.
For more information & details about this helpful service visit our CodeRED webpage.
Police, Fire, & Ambulance Services
• The City of Carlyle is proud to have such dedicated emergency service personnel all through our town. The City of Carlyle is lucky to have our City Police Department, Sheriff’s Department, Volunteer Fire Protection, and Paramedic Services.
Visit our webpage for more information on these Emergency Services.
Clinton County
The City of Carlyle is the county seat of Clinton County.
We are honored to be the home of the:
• Clinton County Courthouse
• County Sheriff’s Department
• Clinton County Fair
• Historical Society
• Health Department
• Senior Center
• and so much more