IMUA Scholarship Program

January 2019
By Kayla
Posted: Updated:

IMUA Scholarship Program Applications Available

The City of Carlyle, in partnership with the Illinois Municipal Utilities Association (IMUA), is again offering a scholarship competition program for eligible high school seniors. Each eligible applicant is asked to submit an application and an essay of 500 words or less addressing their choice of one of four utility-related questions.

Applicants must be high school seniors whose parents or legal guardians are residential customers of the City of Carlyle Municipal Utility.

The scholarship programs purpose is to promote and recognize scholastic achievement and to demonstrate the advantages of, and the issues faced by, municipally-owned and operated utilities.

“Since its inception in 2000, IMUA’s scholarship program has proven to be a very popular and successful program for IMUA, its members and the communities it serves,” said Kevin M. Gaden, President & CEO of the IMUA. “Public power communities offer their customers a number of cost, service and other advantages compared to those served by other energy providers. IMUA’s scholarship program is another example of how municipally-owned and operated utility systems can help return value to their communities while at the same time, provide a measure of financial assistance and support to those students who wish to pursue a college education.”

The deadline for submitting applications and essays is Friday, March 8, 2019. Please send your essay, transcripts and completed application to the address listed on the bottom of the application.

A total of four (4) finalists will be chosen by the IMUA Scholarship Committee. Each finalist will receive a finalist certificate and a $1,000 award from IMUA. Winners will be announced sometime in April.

Organized in 1948, IMUA is a statewide trade association which represents the unified interests of, and provides services to, 53 municipalities which operate their own electric, natural gas, telecommunications, water and wastewater treatment systems. Applicants may contact IMUA for more information at (217) 789-4632.

IMUA 2019 Scholarship Program Application and Guidelines

IMUA 2019 Scholarship Program