Brush Pick-up

July 2019
By Kayla
Posted: Updated:

Brush Pick-up is a complimentary service the Street Department offers our residents.

  • Call City Hall at 594-2468 to be placed on the pick-up list.
    • Must call two business days or earlier, prior to the scheduled pickup day to be placed on the list.  This advance notice is required for route planning.
  • The city will provide limb/brush pickup starting the first Tuesday of each month.
    • This will last for two-three days, dependent on how many pickups.
    • If it falls on a holiday, pickup will be the following business day.
  • Brush must be easily accessible and placed along the front curb/street or in the alley.
    • It must not obstruct the street, alley, or sidewalk.
  • Piles can’t exceed 4’ wide, 4’ high and 6’ long.
    • Residents must remove side branches of 1” inch or more in diameter and pile in a uniformed stack or bundle along the street/curb.
    • Limbs may not exceed 4” inches in diameter and 6’ feet in length.
  • The brush pickup crew should spend no more than 10 minutes at each scheduled residence.
  • Piles must not be less than 2’ in height, 3’ in depth, and 5’ in length.
  • Pickup is for branches only. The following items will not be picked up:
    • Branches/limbs greater than the listed sizes.
    • Branches/limbs trimmed by a commercial contractor
    • Grass clippings, leaves, and wood chips
  • Residents may take brush (not cut by a commercial hauler) to the lagoons.