Media Advisory IHSA State Bass Fishing Finals

May 2019
By Kayla
Posted: Updated:

WHAT:            Illinois High School Athletic Association State Bass Fishing Finals

WHO:              U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Carlyle Lake

WHEN:            Friday, 17 May & Saturday, 18 May; 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.; weigh-in each day approximately 3:30 p.m.

WHERE:         Carlyle Lake, Dam West Boat Ramp, 801 Lake Road, Carlyle, Illinois 62231

DETAILS:        This is the 11th year of the IHSA State Bass Fishing Finals tournament; a two day fishing tournament held at Carlyle Lake. Approximately 300 high school anglers from 66 high schools around Illinois will compete to be crowned the Bass State Fishing Finals champion. Allowing high school students to participate in bass fishing as a sport, has opened up doors for the youth of Illinois.  Not only do they get to be active and spend time in the outdoors, some of them move on to compete at the collegiate level and possibly make a career out of the sport. Boats will be available for media tours weather permitting.

Contact:          Amanda Kruse, (618) 594-2484 or email