Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

October 2015
By Kayla
Posted: Updated:
October 28, 2015 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Dam West Boat Ramp
Carlyle Lake Project Office
(618) 594–2484

Dam West Boat Ramp Accessible Boat Loading Platform Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

CARLYLE LAKE – The Carlyle Lake Project will host a ribbon cutting ceremony for a newly constructed accessible boat loading platform on Wednesday, October 28, 2015.  The ceremony will begin at 2:00 p.m., and will take place at the Dam West Boat Ramp adjacent to the high water ramp.

The accessible boat loading platform was planned and constructed through a challenge partnership agreement between the Carlyle Lake Project, the Carlyle Lake Association, Inc. and the City of Carlyle.  The platform was constructed to provide boaters with special needs an opportunity to access Carlyle Lake for sailing regattas, fishing tournaments, special events, and other recreational opportunities.

For more information on this and other events, contact the Carlyle Lake Project Office
at (618) 594–2484 or email at carlylelake@usace.army.mil