Read Across America Day

February 2016
By Kayla
Posted: Updated:
March 2, 2016 all-day
Cheryl Brinkmann

“Read Across America Day” will be celebrated on Wednesday, March 2nd, in honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday.  Let’s celebrate the day with “Carlyle Style” this year.

Teachers at Carlyle Schools are selling a t-shirt that says “Reading in Carlyle ROCKS”.  The purple shirt has a yellow imprint featuring a book and the school mascot.  Shirts are $10 with $2 going towards Noah Straeter’s Eagle Scout Project — a new Bookmobile!

The Bookmobile and volunteer teachers deliver books and other reading materials to students and parents in rural areas of the district during the summer months.  Noah’s project will allow us to have a beautifully designed, custom trailer that will serve as a mobile mini-library!  Let’s paint Carlyle purple and gold on March 2nd!

You can order shirts at the Grade School or Junior High.  Please order by February 16th to ensure shirts are ready for the March 2nd event.